What Government Support Can I Receive as a Farmer?

If you are from the Russian Federation and are engaged / starting to engage in animal husbandry, you can claim support from government.

Shaid Genetics can help you contact competent specialists who can advise on issues and assist in collecting documentation
to support livestock breeding
for the production of wool obtained from fine-fleeced and semi-fine-fleeced sheep breeds
when sent for slaughter for their own processing and (or) sale for slaughter to processing organizations of livestock
Subsidies make it possible to compensate for part of the costs of farms. Subsidies are given to sheep farmers:
The conditions are different for each region of the Russian Federation. To find out what conditions apply to you – contact the local authorities or leave a request and we will contact you with competent specialists.


to support livestock breeding
for the production of wool obtained from fine-fleeced and semi-fine-fleeced sheep breeds
when sent for slaughter for their own processing and (or) sale for slaughter to processing organizations of livestock
Subsidies make it possible to compensate for part of the costs of farms. Subsidies are given to sheep farmers:
The conditions are different for each region of the Russian Federation. To find out what conditions apply to you – contact the local authorities or leave a request and we will contact you with competent specialists.
Grants are given out free of charge through a competition. An important condition for granting grants is the use of money strictly in accordance with the purposes for which it was issued, which will be strictly controlled. If the project fails or the business owner spends money for other purposes, the funds will have to be returned. The conditions for obtaining a grant and a full list of documents need to be specified on the websites of the authorities of each region of the Russian Federation.

What Do I Start With?

Choose a suitable grant
Submit an application and collect documents
Justify the effectiveness of your project
Wait for the decision of the commission
Begin the implementation of the business plan
Family Farm
Maximum amount
1 million rubles
21 million rubles
30 million rubles to cover no more than 25% of the project cost
Terms of the competitive selection
1–2 quarter
1–2 quarter
1–2 quarter
The term of use of the grant
18 months
24 months
24 months

The key to success in obtaining a grant is a business plan, which describes the idea, provides an investment plan and expected results

Shaid Genetics analysts assist in drawing up a business plan for farmers, just leave a request and we will send all the conditions.


Grants are given out free of charge through a competition. An important condition for granting grants is the use of money strictly in accordance with the purposes for which it was issued, which will be strictly controlled. If the project fails or the business owner spends money for other purposes, the funds will have to be returned. The conditions for obtaining a grant and a full list of documents need to be specified on the websites of the authorities of each region of the Russian Federation.

What Do I Start With?

Choose a suitable grant
Submit an application and collect documents
Justify the effectiveness of your project
Wait for the decision of the commission
Begin the implementation of the business plan
For those who are just starting a business
  • 90% — grant funds, 10% — own money
  • If the farmer received less than 2 million rubles, it is necessary to hire 1 permanent employee, from 2 million rubles — 2 employees
  • The grantee should make an obligation to keep the places for employees for next 5 years and fulfill all the conditions prescribed in the project
Family Farm
Members of the farm are relatives who take a personal part in activities. At least 1 year must pass from the moment of registration of the farm/sole proprietor
  • 60% — grant funds 40% — own money (from which 30% are allowed by credit)
  • Farmers should not have debts of more than 10 thousand rubles in taxes, fines, loans, etc
Agricultural producers belonging to the "small" or "micro" enterprise segment with at least 2 years of work experience. Farmers who own private subsidiary farms will not be able to receive this grant
  • At least 5% — own money, 70% is allowed to take on credit, 25% — grant funds
  • The mandatory condition is that the business must work for at least 5 years after receiving the grant and fulfill all the goals set
Family Farm
Maximum amount
1 million rubles
21 million rubles
30 million rubles to cover no more than 25% of the project cost
Terms of the competitive selection
1–2 quarter
1–2 quarter
1–2 quarter
The term of use of the grant
18 months
24 months
24 months
Family Farm
Maximum amount
1 million rubles
21 million rubles
30 million rubles to cover no more than 25% of the project cost
Terms of the competitive selection
1–2 quarter
1–2 quarter
1–2 quarter
The term of use of the grant
18 months
24 months
24 months

The key to success in obtaining a grant is a business plan, which describes the idea, provides an investment plan and expected results

Shaid Genetics analysts assist in drawing up a business plan for farmers, just leave a request and we will send all the conditions.
Farmers can get a loan at a rate of no more than 5% from one of the banks authorized by the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia. The list of banks can be seen here.


The borrower is an agricultural producer, the share of agricultural products in the total income of which is at least 70% for a calendar year (for newly created organizations — after 3 years from the date of granting the loan).
No bankruptcy proceedings have been initiated against the borrower
The borrower is not in the process of liquidation
Has the status of a tax resident of the Russian Federation
Registered in the territory of the Russian Federation
Has no overdue debt to the budgets of the Russian Federation

Preferential Lendings

Farmers can get a loan at a rate of no more than 5% from one of the banks authorized by the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia. The list of banks can be seen here.


The borrower is an agricultural producer, the share of agricultural products in the total income of which is at least 70% for a calendar year (for newly created organizations — after 3 years from the date of granting the loan).
No bankruptcy proceedings have been initiated against the borrower
The borrower is not in the process of liquidation
Has the status of a tax resident of the Russian Federation
Registered in the territory of the Russian Federation
Has no overdue debt to the budgets of the Russian Federation
Under the lease agreement, the lessor company allows you to use property for a fee for several years. A rate of appreciation is applied to the value of the property — by analogy with the interest loan rate. In order to use the property the client makes monthly payments. At the end of the contract period he pays the redemption amount after which the property passes to the client in ownership.
Leasing combines the features of a long-term lease and a loan. But what are the advantages of leasing? Firstly, the customer can refund VAT. Secondly, he does not pay property tax during the entire term of the contract, while the equipment is owned by the leasing company. Thirdly, there is no collateral.
Farmers can lease the means of production on preferential terms by contacting the state leasing company — JSC "Rosagroleasing". In mobile application of JSC "Rosagroleasing" you can pick up machinery or equipment, make a preliminary calculation of the cost of leasing, and also apply for leasing. The mobile app can be installed by pointing your mobile phone's camera at the QR code:


Leasing Programs

Under the lease agreement, the lessor company allows you to use property for a fee for several years. A rate of appreciation is applied to the value of the property — by analogy with the interest loan rate. In order to use the property the client makes monthly payments. At the end of the contract period he pays the redemption amount after which the property passes to the client in ownership.
Leasing combines the features of a long-term lease and a loan. But what are the advantages of leasing? Firstly, the customer can refund VAT. Secondly, he does not pay property tax during the entire term of the contract, while the equipment is owned by the leasing company. Thirdly, there is no collateral.
Farmers can lease the means of production on preferential terms by contacting the state leasing company — JSC "Rosagroleasing". In mobile application of JSC "Rosagroleasing" you can pick up machinery or equipment, make a preliminary calculation of the cost of leasing, and also apply for leasing.
